Reported Speech
El estilo indirecto, conocido en inglés como reported speech, es una forma de comunicar lo que alguien ha dicho sin repetir exactamente sus palabras. En lugar de usar comillas para citar el discurso directo, transformamos las palabras del hablante original para ajustarlas al contexto de nuestra conversación. Esta transformación implica cambios en los tiempos verbales, los pronombres y otros elementos gramaticales para que la oración tenga sentido en el nuevo contexto.
Reported Statements
Cuando reportamos una declaración, cambiamos el tiempo verbal de la oración original para reflejar que lo que se dijo ocurrió en un momento pasado. Esto implica mover el verbo un tiempo hacia el pasado. Además, los pronombres y referencias temporales/lugares también deben cambiar según el contexto.
Ejemplo en discurso directo:
María: "I am going to the store."
Reported speech: María said (that) she was going to the store.
Puntos clave:
El verbo "am going" cambia a "was going" para reflejar el pasado.
El pronombre "I" cambia a "she" para adaptarse a la tercera persona.
Reported Questions
Cuando se reporta una pregunta, no solo cambiamos los tiempos verbales, sino también la estructura de la oración. Las preguntas reportadas pierden la estructura de pregunta directa (es decir, dejan de usar el orden invertido de sujeto-verbo y ya no requieren signos de interrogación).
Yes/No Questions: Son preguntas que se pueden responder con "sí" o "no". Al reportarlas, se introduce "if" o "whether".
Ejemplo en discurso directo:
John: "Do you like pizza?"
Reported speech: John asked if I liked pizza.
Wh-Questions: Son preguntas que comienzan con palabras como "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," y "how." En el estilo indirecto, estas palabras se mantienen, pero se ajusta el orden de la oración.
Ejemplo en discurso directo:
Sara: "Where did you go?"
Reported speech: Sara asked where I had gone.
Reported Orders, Requests, and Offers
Al reportar órdenes, peticiones u ofertas, utilizamos verbos como tell, ask, offer seguidos por un infinitivo con to.
Direct speech: "Close the door!" said Tom.
Reported speech: Tom told me to close the door.
Direct speech: "Can you help me?" asked Lucy.
Reported speech: Lucy asked me to help her.
Direct speech: "Shall I open the window?" offered Jim.
Reported speech: Jim offered to open the window.
Reporting Verbs
Los verbos de reporte son fundamentales en el estilo indirecto porque indican cómo se transmite la información. Algunos verbos comunes incluyen:
Say: Generalmente se usa para declaraciones.
Ejemplo: "I’m tired," he said. → He said (that) he was tired.
Tell: Se utiliza para dar órdenes o información a alguien en particular.
Ejemplo: "Please, sit down," the teacher said to the students. → The teacher told the students to sit down.
Ask: Utilizado para preguntas y peticiones.
Ejemplo: "Can you help me?" she asked. → She asked me to help her.
Offer: Se usa para reportar ofertas.
Ejemplo: "Would you like some tea?" she offered. → She offered me some tea.
Suggest: Empleado para sugerencias.
Ejemplo: "Let's go to the park," he said. → He suggested going to the park.
Advise: Utilizado para dar consejos.
Ejemplo: "You should study more," she said. → She advised me to study more.
Cambios Comunes en el Estilo Indirecto
Al transformar oraciones de discurso directo a indirecto, es importante hacer los ajustes correctos en el tiempo verbal y otras expresiones:
Now → Then
Today → That day
Tomorrow → The next day
Yesterday → The day before
Here → There
This → That
These → Those
Ejercicio 1: Reported Statements
Convierte las siguientes oraciones a estilo indirecto:
"I am going to the gym," said John.
"She loves chocolate," said Mark.
"We will meet you at the park," said the children.
"They have finished the project," said the manager.
"He is studying French," said Maria.
"I bought a new car," said Peter.
"We are traveling to Japan next month," said Lucy.
"You can trust him," said the teacher.
Ejercicio 2: Reported Questions
Convierte las siguientes preguntas a estilo indirecto:
"When does the train arrive?" asked the passenger.
"Why are you late?" asked my friend.
"Have they finished the homework?" asked the teacher.
"Where is the nearest hospital?" asked the tourist.
"Did you enjoy the concert?" asked Lisa.
"How much does this book cost?" asked the customer.
"Who will attend the meeting?" asked the manager.
"Can you speak Spanish?" asked the interviewer.
Ejercicio 3: Reported Orders, Requests, and Offers
Convierte las siguientes preguntas a estilo indirecto:
"Please, send me the report," said the boss.
"Don't talk during the exam," said the teacher.
"Could you pass the salt?" asked the guest.
"Finish the assignment by tomorrow," said the professor.
"Shall I open the window?" offered Emily.
"Turn off the lights when you leave," said my dad.
"Don't forget to call me," said Sarah.
"Can you help me with this task?" asked my colleague.